
If you haven’t done so already, please take a moment to install the libweb library before continuing.

Learning by Example

Here is a simple parser from libweb’s README, showing how to get started interacting with the web:

# spamhaus.py

from libweb.dns import DnsblService

conf = {
    "rrname": "{target}.zen.spamhaus.org",
    "rrtype": "A",

for result in DnsblService(opts={"target": ""}, **conf):

Then, to run the sample parser:

$ python3 spamhaus.py
OrderedDict([('name', ''), ('type', 'A'), ('class', 'IN'), ('ttl', 60), ('rdata', '')])
OrderedDict([('name', ''), ('type', 'A'), ('class', 'IN'), ('ttl', 60), ('rdata', '')])
OrderedDict([('name', ''), ('type', 'A'), ('class', 'IN'), ('ttl', 60), ('rdata', '')])

More Features

Here is a more involved example demonstrating the features available in all of the HTTP-based parsers:

# virustotal.py

import sys

from libweb.json import JsonService

conf = {
    "url": "https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/ip-address/report",
    "params": {
        "ip": "{target}"
    "auth": {
        "name": "virustotal",
        "params": ["apikey"]
    "jsonpath": {
        "url": "$.detected_urls[*].url",
        "pdns": "$.resolutions[*]",
        "asn": "$.asn",
        "country": "$.country",
        "as_owner": "$.as_owner",

creds = {
    "virustotal": [sys.argv[1]],

opts = {
    "target": sys.argv[2]

for result in JsonService(opts=opts, creds=creds, **conf):

You will need a VirusTotal API key to run this sample. Feel free to borrow the key from our sister project, Machinae. You can run the sample like so:

$ python virustotal.py <apikey>
OrderedDict([('asn', '29854'), ('country', 'US'), ('as_owner', 'WestHost, Inc.'), ('pdns', {'hostname': 'us-newyorkcity.privateinternetaccess.com', 'last_resolved': '2016-03-13 00:00:00'})])